Lockheed Martin’s CEO Marillyn Hewson recently shared five of her favorite interview questions in her LinkedIn Influencer column, “Would I Hire You? My Top 5 Interview Questions”.  While most of us will never have the opportunity to interview with Hewson, we can all learn from what she asks. Her questions, and the intent behind them, are instructional for candidates and for people conducting interviews. Interviewing is an activity we all engage in throughout our careers, but most of us have little training on how to conduct an effective interview, either as the candidate or as the person hiring. As the decision maker, review your standard questions and ask yourself if those questions really help you and your company identify the traits you desire to find in top quality candidates. As a candidate, ask yourself if you are prepared to offer dynamic answers to questions like these. The first question, “How did you spend the first ninety days of your previous job?” is especially eye-opening. Answers will immediately identify leaders versus followers and separate those who hit the ground running from those who are slower to ramp up. The goal of interview questions should be to get to the root of the candidate’s skills and style, so the manager can select the candidates who will best fit in to the company’s culture and style.

The last question mentioned, “Why should I hire you?” should never stump a candidate, but people frequently fumble it. As Hewson says, “I want to see confidence in one’s capabilities with awareness of one’s opportunities for growth. This is no time to be shy; it’s the time to be your own best advocate.” It is important to remember that interviewing is a two-way street. Decision-makers should be aware that top quality candidates expect a top quality interview experience and expect an interview to be a conversation that confirms their fit for the role and the company. Candidates should appreciate that the best bosses will ask penetrating questions and they should be prepared to offer sincere and thoughtful answers. Are you ready to conduct a great interview, either as the candidate or as the employer?

TMG’s Take is a regular e-mail advisory produced by The McCormick Group. The company’s Government Contracting group combines the expertise of our knowledgeable consultants to help government contractors fulfill all of their recruiting needs. TMG’s Take covers topics across the spectrum of the government contracting industry, including business development, proposals, contract management, cyber security, compliance, R&D, technology, and finance. Please direct all inquiries to Brian McCormick, Executive Vice President at (703) 841-1700 or bmccormi@tmg-dc.com

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